About Us
JEP is a renowned name in the field of education and guiding students to the path of success. It is an institute where not only education is imparted rather many valued features are added to the education. So that its fruits can be ripped in each phase of life. Education is imparted in a way that builds basic concepts of students strong enough that they can become pillars of success. At early stage only mindset of students is prepared in a way that they set goals for themselves. Basic knowledge of all fields is provided, so that they can set their minds/plan about future availability of choices of profession. Proper guidance at proper time is the biggest factor that decides the future of student. With proper guidance proper management of skills/talents is also required which is one of the main mottos of institute, to first identify the skills/talents already present in student with the help of professionals and thereafter nourishing and developing those latent talents/skills.
These days in most competitive exams and entrance exams aptitude, quantitative ability, language, and general knowledge of students is tested. These tests are based on basic concepts and syllabus is based on junior classes’ syllabus. But even then, students face a lot of trouble to crack these. Reason behind is the weak basic concepts and topic not being prepared with the focus of preparing for competitive exams. This analysis gave JEP the insight to concentrate on building strong basics right from the beginning.
Growing Children
Class: V TO VIII
In growing children class V to class VIII students are covered, it is the stage when student lay foundation and build their knowledge. If at this early-stage students get proper grooming their basic concepts become strong. Syllabi of these classes is very important with the view of competitive exams like SSC, Bank jobs, CAT, MAT (management courses entrance exams) etc. Taking this into account we at JEP strengthen the knowledge base of students in subjects like English, Mathematics and Science.
Young Talents
This phase is undoubtedly critical, as it is the time when talent of student is moulded in a way that lead to the professional future of the students. At this time students are overwhelmingly enthusiastic for getting selected in various engineering entrance exams. At JEP we enrich student’s knowledge for scoring in 12th board as well as qualify various entrance tests of engineering institutes.
Young Minds
Class : IX & X
At this stage children learn newer concepts and develop their own perspective of understanding things. Proper guidance is essential at this time as students face pressure of scoring in board exams and there after they have to make a crucial decision of opting subject stream. Here at JEP, we provide coaching for board classes in a way to maximize performance in board exams. We also guide students about various subject options so that they can proactively prepare their mind for opting correct subject stream. We also nourish knowledge of students to compete and qualify in various scholarship exams and Olympiads.
Professional Talents
Class: Engineering students
Courses : Mechanical & Civil Engineering / Engineering Mechanics
At JEP we make students learn the creative application of scientific principles to design or develop structures, machines, apparatus, or manufacturing processes, or works utilizing them singly or in combination.
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JEP Specifications
Each batch consists of 15 to 20 students. Individual attention is given to each and every Student irrespective of one’s standing in the merit at any point of time. We never increase our batch size beyond a limit.
Weekly Assesments
We conduct regular tests to streamline student’s preparation for exam.
Parent Teacher Meet
Our motto is to enrich student’s performance through coordinated efforts of faculty and parents.
Weekly Attendance Report
We conduct regular tests to streamline student’s preparation for exam.
Doubt Clearing Sessions
These sessions aim to make the concept of each student crystal clear without leaving anything for chance.