International Junior Science Olympiad

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IJSO (International Junior Science Olympiad)

IJSO is a competitive examination open to students of all countries in the world, primarily studying in secondary schools. All basic subjects of Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics) are given roughly equal representation in the IJSO examination.

The Junior Science Olympiad program follows the following

5 stages:

Stage I : National Standard Examination in Junior Science (NSEJS)

Stage II : Indian National Junior Science Olympiad (INJSO)

Stage III : Orientation cum Selection Camp (OCSC) in Junior Science

Stage IV : Pre-departure Training Camp (PDT) for IJSO

Stage V : Participation in International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO)

Details of Stages:

Stage I : National Standard Examination in Junior Science (NSEJS)
NSEJS is the first stage of selection of students in the Junior Science Olympiad Programme. NSEJS is organised by the Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT).

Format of Question Paper :

The question paper will consist of 80 multiple choice questions, each with only one of the four options correct. Language : English.

Syllabus :

The syllabus for NSEJS is broadly equivalent to the senior secondary level (Class XI and Class XII) of CBSE Junior Science. This is only a rough guideline, and there is no detailed syllabus given for NSEJS.

Qualifying for Second Stage :

The aim of the first stage examination is to have a wide reach, to progressively increase this reach and to attain nationwide representation for stage II without overly compromising on merit. Hence the selection to the stage II examinations i.e. Indian National Olympiad Examinations (INOs) is based on the following scheme.

Eligibility Clause :

A candidate must secure a score equal to or greater than a Minimum Admissible Score (MAS) to be eligible for the Stage II INO exam leading to the International Olympiad . The MAS for a given subject will be 40% of the maximum score in that subject.

Proportional Representation Clause :

The number of students selected for Stage II (INO) in each subject is around 300. The total number to be selected from centers in each State for each subject will be displayed on the IAPT and HBCSE websites.

Minimum Representation Clause :

Notwithstanding the proportional representation clause the number of students selected for INO from each State and UT must be at least one, provided that the eligibility clause is satisfied.

Merit Clause :

Given the eligibility clause, it is conceivable that 300 students may not qualify for Stage II in a subject. Should this occur, the shortfall (from 300) will be selected based purely on merit without further consideration to proportional representation and minimum representation clauses. In the event of a tie at the last position in the list all students with the same marks at this position will qualify to appear for the Stage II examination.

There will be no other criterion or provision for selection to the Indian National Olympiad Examinations (INOs). All students who qualify to appear for INJSO get a certificate of merit from IAPT.


Stage II: Indian National Junior Science Olympiad (INJSO)


Eligibility :

Students selected from Stage I examination (NSEJS) are eligible to appear for INJSO. In addition, those students, who have been exempted from NSEJS as described in the Enrollment page, are also eligible to appear for INJSO. Besides these two, there is no other way by which a student becomes eligible to appear for INJSO.

Syllabus : The syllabus for INJSO is broadly similar to NSEJS

On the basis of performance in INJSO, the top 35 students in the merit list will be selected for Stage III: Orientation Cum Selection Camp (OCSC) in Junior Science. In the event, there is a tie at the last position, all students with the same marks at this last position will qualify for OCSC.There will be no other criterion or provision for selection to OCSC.

Stage III: Orientation Cum Selection Camp (OCSC) in Junior Science

OCSC in Junior Science will be organized by HBCSE for 2-3 weeks. The precise dates will be announced prior to or along with the announcement of the selection list for the OCSC.

Eligibility for OCSC :

Only the students selected from the merit list of Stage II (INJSO) are eligible. There will be no other criteria or provision.

The camps include several theoretical and experimental tests. Orientation is provided to students especially in experiments. The camps conclude with a valedictory function where distinguished scientists are invited to speak to the students.

The merit list of OCSC in Junior Science will be prepared on the basis of the combined theoretical and experimental score aggregated over all the tests in the camp, with 60% weightage for theory and 40% weightage for experiment. Performance in previous stages (NSEJS and INJSO) will not be a consideration for the merit list and awards of the OCSC.

Stage IV: Pre-departure Training (PDT) Camp for IJSO

The selected 6 member student team will undergo a rigorous training programme at HBCSE in theory and experiment. Special laboratories are being developed at HBCSE for the purpose of experimental training. Resource persons from HBCSE and different institutions across the country will train the students.

Stage V: Participation in International Junior Science

Olympiad (IJSO)

The 12 student member team (two six member teams) and 3 teacher leaders will constitute the delegation to represent India at the International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO) 2013.

Mr. Ankit Chhabra


Mr Ankit Chhabra, an Engineer and a physics teacher, with the above in mind named his institute as Jaipur Education Plus. In JEP not only education is provided but various valued features are added to education of larger good of students. Teaching experience of founder is of more than 15 years. In the beginning teaching was just an interest, but with great response of students, he chose this as profession. This is how JEP came to existence in year 2011.

What People Says ?

Teachers in the institute are best and teaching methodology used is also very good. Mixture of traditional and modern techniques are used for teaching. For human touch and in depth explanation white board marker method is used as traditional way. For real time experience of any topic/subject and as modern technique various power point presentations, video clips, labeled 3-D images etc are used. With these teaching methods better learning is formed. Teachers are very knowledgeable and they are our role model.



All teachers are professional as well as knowledgeable. Teachers have friendly and guiding attitude towards students. Teachers are fair and unbiased, and treat all students equally without any favourism. Individual attention is given to each and every student.



Classes are scheduled properly. For school exams separate sessions are scheduled, for individual students also. This help in doubt clearing and better exam preparation. Weaker students are given special attention.



Teachers posses great perseverance level, they explain topics as many times as asked to explain, till it is crystal clear.....



Entire syllabus is covered and topics are discussed in detail. Teachers possess deep knowledge of subject being taught. Teachers inspire and motivate students to perform better. Guidance is also provided for better future.



JEP Specifications

Each batch consists of 15 to 20 students. Individual attention is given to each and every Student irrespective of one’s standing in the merit at any point of time. We never increase our batch size beyond a limit.

Weekly Assesments

We conduct regular tests to streamline student’s preparation for exam.

Parent Teacher Meet

Our motto is to enrich student’s performance through coordinated efforts of faculty and parents.

Weekly Attendance Report

We conduct regular tests to streamline student’s preparation for exam.

Doubt Clearing Sessions

These sessions aim to make the concept of each student crystal clear without leaving anything for chance.

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